Author Archives: Janet

Love Note to April

“The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness.” Unknown I confess that April is probably my most favorite month.  There are so many reasons to love this 31 day period.  It is Poetry month and […]

Love Is. . .

More musing on love – after all, it is still February. . . I heard a sermon last week that stated “Love should be our default position”.  Great.  Unfortunately, the word “love” was not, and is rarely defined – it’s one of those marshmallow words that people throw around, assuming that everyone knows what they […]

Just Put A Little Love In Your Heart

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching.  All thoughts turn to chocolate, cards, chocolate, roses, chocolate – oh yes, LOVE.  This overly commercialized date on the calendar is supposed to be about love, a very complex, difficult concept that is often trivialized. We throw the word around easily – especially when it comes to things:  “I LOVE […]

A Year of Grace

Those who know me understand that one of my sacred rituals each January is to choose a word or phrase for the coming year.  This ritual is all about setting clear intention for the next twelve months and the word acts as a psychological rudder for making effective choices. I take this exercise very seriously […]

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