More musing on love – after all, it is still February. . .
I heard a sermon last week that stated “Love should be our default position”. Great. Unfortunately, the word “love” was not, and is rarely defined – it’s one of those marshmallow words that people throw around, assuming that everyone knows what they are talking about. Much has been written on this topic, but the definition of love that I keep coming back to is one I heard in my Context Associated days: “Joyful acceptance”. Now it is necessary to define “acceptance”. Not easily done. It’s easier to say what acceptance is NOT – it is not resistance. It doesn’t imply “like” or “approve of”. It is not passive resignation with the fire going out. It is simply embracing what is, believing that it is perfect. Connect an experience of joy to that and you have love. This definition allows me to know what I am NOT in a loving space, with my dear partner or anyone! I get to watch myself moving in and out of joyful acceptance. It is a choice.
What is your working definition of “love”?
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